Monza _ Serrone of the Villa Reale _ December 6th, 2017 / January 20th, 2018
Exhibition of 500 works of heavenly messengers made by 500 artists. A collective work on loan from the Iglesia de los Angeles in Argentina to the Villa Reale in Monza
From the Iglesia de los Angeles in Argentine to the Villa Reale in Monza
"We all have an angel with us, who guards us, making us feeling things"
Pope Francesco
From December 6th 2017 to January 20th 2018 the City of Monza dedicates a large exhibition project to the Angels that has its heart in the Serrone della Villa Reale.
Promoted and produced by Bellavite NonSoloCarta-Divisione Mostre & Eventi, with the support of the Reggia di Monza, Los Angeles is the result of a project by the Museo del Parco, the International Outdoor Sculpture Center of Portofino.
Winged creatures, seraphim, archangels and cherubs have been populating figurative art for centuries. Despite being arcane and ethereal they are the most effigy subjects. A gallery that involves all the great names of universal painting, from Giotto to Michelangelo, from Rubens to Tiepolo, up to Klee, Chagall, Haring. The "angelic" theme, however, is not a tinsel, even if precious, of the past, but also invests the contemporary art world, as evidenced by what happened in the Iglesia de los Angeles built in the Argentine estancia El Milagro.
The Church of the Angels, recently completed, was commissioned by Daniele Crippa, art critic and president of the Portofino Park Museum, where a collection of works by major contemporary international artists is housed. In Salta, in the north of the country that gave birth to Pope Francesco, he founded a new citadel forty years ago, fully respecting local traditions and the surrounding environment. He also thought that it was important for the indigenous community, of Christian traditions, to found a church. Finally he asked many artists he met during the course of his work to make a work symbolizing an angel.
More than five hundred renowned Italian artists, from Gillo Dorfles to Giosetta Fioroni to Mimmo Paladino, responded to Crippa's invitation by producing their own angelic vision. Each was then moved by local workers into 20x20 cm tiles to decorate the walls of the whole Church. In this way we have created a sort of artistic twinning between Italy and Argentina which is now reinforced with the exhibition of all the original works at the Serrone of the Villa Reale in Monza.
The original installation introduces the visitor on a journey to deepen the importance of the divine messengers in contemporary culture. It is a truly unique exhibition, which offers the opportunity to learn more about that space of eternal between land and sky. A great collective work, a tangible testimony of a renewed encounter between art and spirituality. These angels flying from Argentina to Italy, and vice versa, speak to us of what we most yearn for and fear at the same time: invisible things. Emphasizing the cult of the angels and their importance in painting also means celebrating the friendship that comes from knowing everyone loved and protected by the custodians of our lives. Thanks to the strongly iconic role they have in the imagination of everyone around the world, regardless of the culture of belonging, these figures still send notes of brotherhood.
We are faced with a great cultural project that rediscovers and brings to life the original values of art.
Entry to the exhibition is free.
WHERE: Reggia di Monza - Serrone of the Villa Reale.
Main entrance of the Reggia in Monza is in Viale Brianza, 1
Wednesday and Thursday 15.00 - 19.00
Friday 15.00 - 22.00
Saturday and Sunday 10.00am - 7.00pm
Monday and Tuesday closed