

Passione&Ragione Passione&Ragione Passione&Ragione Passione&Ragione
Raw, ground or mirror finished by hand stainless steel _ 85x100 cm, h 262 cm

Exhibitions and Events
Borderline Arte Festival 2023 – Sacred Mount Varallo / Unesco Site - - made in partnership with Laseryacht

Inspired by the universal beauty of Canova's sculpture Cupid and Psyche, reworked in a contemporary key, as well as the salvific value of the myth of Apuleius who reaches fulfillment from transgression through atonement, the work expresses the idea that the meaning of our actions is born from the encounter between the creative energy of Passion and the executive concreteness of Reason. It is proposed as a symbol of transformation as a supreme gesture of affirmation of life. An effort that restores joy and meaning, in pursuit of immortality! A reflection that, placed in dialogue with the Sacro Monte di Varallo (Unesco Site) through the divine, leads us to reflect and relativize emotions and actions, in the incessant search for the beyond that fills the human soul.

Daniele Basso, Biella September 2023